Engineering Knowledge against Natural Disasters, 2005, Hong Kong

Engineering Knowledge against Natural Disasters, 2005, Hong Kong Governor Harbi Arafat drew on a breadth of information to bring together his presentation on the investigation and sharing of experience in the use of engineering knowledge in reducing the effect of natural disasters. Defining natural disasters...

Bush Fires and Tropical Cyclones, 2005, Hong Kong

Bush Fires and Tropical Cyclones, 2005, Hong Kong Governor Barry Schafer provided an update, overview and reflection on both bush fires and tropical cyclones with in Australia. The two main natural disasters that Australia has to contend with are Bush Fires (USA Wild fires, Europe...

Minutes of the Board of Governors, November 2005, Hong Kong

Minutes of the Board of Governors, 18 November 2005, Hong Kong was held in the offices of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors and transacted the following business. WOBO Mtg Minutes Nov 2005...

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