England: Planning Permitted Development Rights

As a stimulation to development, the planning system in England has been adapted to allow changes to existing buildings, extensions, change of use and the LandTech guide provides a reference point. In our free eBook, we show you how to use permitted development rights correctly,...

Australia: Net Zero Energy Demand Homes

Australia invests in Net Zero construction. Frasers Property Australia will build 51 medium density energy efficient homes to demonstrate the feasibility of achieving zero energy demand homes at scale. Net Zero Energy Demand homes have the potential to reduce energy costs for homeowners and residents...

Dame Judith Hackitt: Fire safety: Change now to survive

Current and proposed regulatory changes will form a significant shift in the consideration of new build and alterations to existing buildings – WOBO members and fellow professionals will be key in supporting both the changes and reinforcing the “cultural shift” required within the industry.   ...

Simultaneous Evacuation Strategies in Purpose-built Blocks of Flats

Fire safety is a permanent feature of building design and WOBO is pleased to provide an opportunity to review current initiatives and participate in free online training through Fire Risk Consultancy. The National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) has updated guidance on simultaneous evacuation from blocks...

Investigating Evacuation Behaviour in Retirement Facilities: Case Studies from New Zealand

In considering the evacuation, in the event of a fire occurring, of both new and existing buildings it is essential that professionals reflect on the demographic changes taking place within the global context.  Abstract Ageing populations are generating new challenges for the safe design of...

ICC Codes and Standards

WOBO has been provided with a link to enable members and fellow professionals a free 14 day trial of the ICC Digital Codes Premium . Make Premium Complete Yours Subscribe to Premium Complete and unlock all codes, standards and features to work faster, navigate smarter,...

Utility Week: The Green Recovery

Go for Green – The Green Recovery report provides an update in terms of both green investment, recovery and protection of the environment. Politicians and business leaders want the country to deliver a green revolution, create jobs and boost the economy. As part of its...

bsi. Standards e-Conference and Awards 17 – 19 November 2020

WOBO is pleased to announce the opportunity to register free for this event and broaden your knowledge in respect of the British Standards Institute; “World of Standards and the Knowledge Market Place”. We’re pleased to announce that the next Standards e-Conference and Awards will be a 3...

European BIM Summit 19 November 2020

WOBO members and fellow professionals have the opportunity to join the european BIM Summit international online congress and participate with world experts. The European BIM Summit online or EBS+ will take place on November 19. This is the international summit on BIM methodology, with the best world experts: 4 keynote speakers, 9...

Professional development: SHP Webinar Wednesdays

WOBO members and fellow professionals are given the opportunity to register for free webinars offered by Safety and Health Practitioner (SHP) SHP Webinar Wednesdays Health and safety guidelines are changing constantly so it’s important to stay informed about the key issues shaping the health and...

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