OSHA: Updates, and Safe and Sound Week

WOBO appreciates the support and updates provided by OSHA. Did You Know? OSHA encourages employers and workers to commit to workplace safety and health during Safe + Sound Week, August 15-21. Register now to participate in this nationwide event that recognizes the successes of workplace safety and health programs and...

Australia: Important announcement about NCC 2019 CPD courses

WOBO thanks the Australian Building Codes Board for the update in the provision of CPD and the opportunity for training providers. As we move towards NCC 2022, our NCC 2019 online courses will no longer be available for purchase after 31 August 2022. Rather than...

Welsh Government publishes next version of Building Regs

WOBO thanks CABE for the article and link to the Welsh Regulatory changes. The regulations and Approved Documents F (ventilation), L (conservation of fuel and power) and O (overheating) for domestic buildings are due to come into force on 23 November 2022. Welsh Government publishes...

England: Safety case: What you’ll need to know and do

WOBO is aware of the developments taking place in the UK in respect of existing buildings – safety is paramount. The Building Safety Act introduces a set of new roles and responsibilities for people who manage occupied, high-rise residential buildings. Although the Act has become law, the...

IFSEC GLOBAL: Why is testing for effective passive fire protection so important?

WOBO supports the provision of effective passive fire protection. Peter Barker, Technical Manager at Warrington Fire, highlighted the critical importance of effective passive fire protection measures, through a fire door and fire stopping test, and a fire resistant glazing test at FIREX 2022 in May....

England: Consultation on the Higher Risk Buildings (Descriptions and Supplementary Provisions) Regulations

WOBO thanks the UK Government for the opportunity for its members and fellow professionals to consider the ongoing developments linked to higher risk buildings. Consultation description This consultation is about the proposed Higher Risk Buildings (Descriptions and Supplementary Provisions) Regulations which complete the definition of...

Barbour: Reforming Fire Safety: Your Round Up

WOBO recognises that Fire Safety is complex and thanks Barbour for their latest update. This year has seen the government announce comprehensive plans for the fire reform agenda and a new package of fire safety measures. With so much information to digest, we’ve produced the Barbour...

Barbour EHS

Health and Safety Updates Welcome to the June edition of our monthly Barbour newsletter. We’d like to share some of our key content with you this month – including a Director’s Briefing to help you start effective conversations with your employees about mental health, and a...

Scotland: New building standards relating to energy and environment come into effect from 1 December 2022.

WOBO thanks the Scottish Government for the links to developments taking place. New building standards relating to energy and environment come into effect from 1 December 2022. Read more https://gov.scot/policies/building-standards/monitoring-improving-building-regulations/ Building regulations Building regulations set out technical requirements applicable to building work to protect the public...

Renewable Energy Updates

WOBO appreciates the continued support of Renewable Energy through the provision of articles and information links. Finland to Build a National Hydrogen Infrastructure A national hydrogen network will be established in Finland. On Wednesday June 22, the Ministerial Committee on Economic Policy supported expanding the...

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