WOBO thanks Celia Berry for her update in respect of the WSSET newsletters and conference.

Dear Colleagues
I am glad to be able to send you the latest newsletter from WSSET; I hope you find it interesting. Previous newsletter can be found on the WSSET website here: https://www.wsset.org/news-
We hope that many of you will be writing papers for SET2022 and that we will be able to meet you in person in Istanbul this August. The deadline for abstract submissions is this Monday, 16 May. Please get your abstracts in quickly; amendments can be made at a later date. The deadline for full papers is 30 May. Visit https://set2022.org/ for more information and follow on social media @istanbulset2022.
I also want to draw your attention to the deadline for entries for the 6th Innovation Awards: 31 May, and the WSSET PCM Products Award – Best PhD Student Project in Energy Storage: deadline 1 July. More information is on page 6 of the Newsletter.
Finally, this year, we are pleased to announce that Professor Terry Payne will be providing conference travel grants to six (6) FULL-TIME postgraduate students (PhD) from selected countries outside Turkey. The deadline for applications is the 1 June 2022. More information is on the cover page.
Celia Berry
Department of Architecture & the Built Environment
University of Nottingham