WOBO thanks the Australian Building Codes Board for the update and links to professional development.

NCC 2022 preview and adoption dates
We would like practitioners to be aware of important dates for the release of the National Construction Code (NCC) 2022, which include:
- 9 May 2022 – Preview available at ncc.abcb.gov.au (excluding energy efficiency and condensation)
- 1 September 2022 – Adoption by states and territories
Building Ministers have agreed to delay the adoption of NCC 2022 in recognition of the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the impacts to industry during a difficult economic time. We hope the delayed adoption date will make it easier for industry to adjust, and the extended preview period provide time for users to become familiar with the changes before NCC 2022 is made mandatory under state and territory legislation.
The May preview of NCC 2022 will not include energy efficiency and condensation amendments as these have not yet been endorsed by Building Ministers. Practitioners can still expect a preview of these amendments prior to adoption – and we will provide more information on that timing as it becomes available.