WOBO thanks SHP for the link to the article by Dakota Murphey.

Architectural conservation and the effective management of historic buildings and sites requires an ongoing programme of repair and maintenance. In this article, Dakota Murphey highlights the health and safety regulations for maintaining historic buildings, exploring the importance of compliance and the consequences of failing to do so.
The repair and maintenance of historic buildings is typically based on regular historic building condition assessments to check for issues such as structural instabilities and roof defects, moisture penetration and damp issues, fungal attack on timber including dry rot, and any pest-induced damage.
In the not so distant past, the status of a historic building often took precedence over requirements to comply with H&S legislation, if it could be shown that the character of the building could be adversely impacted by works arising from compliance with the regulations.
This certainly is not the case. Today, putting architectural conservation above personal safety is not an option, and historic building owners and managers must consider the full impact of regulatory compliance on the procurement, management and execution of any building works. Read more….
What are the health & safety regulations for maintaining historic buildings?