WOBO thanks the Scottish Government for their link to the guidance supporting Building Standards Verification.
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to Local Authority verifiers and Certifiers as defined under the Building (Scotland) Act 2003 when assessing building warrant applications and certifying works which use Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) and when assessing the compliance of MMC buildings during construction with the building warrant approved drawings and regulations.
The building standards system is pre-emptive, ensuring as far as possible that the proposed works will comply with the regulations prior to work commencing on-site. Verifiers check that building plans comply with building regulations when an application is made for a building warrant. The system also requires the verifiers to undertake reasonable inquiry to verify that the building work complies with the approved plans, details and with the building regulations. However, verifiers do not inspect all materials and work on every building site as the responsibility for compliance with the building regulations sits with the relevant person (usually the owner or developer). The reasonable inquiry verifier role is to make inspections or other checks during the construction phase on a risk-based basis, to take account of building type and complexity and will, generally have due regard to developer type as well.
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The Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) guidance for Local Authority Verifiers and Certifiers has been published. Read more gov.scot/publications/m