WOBO recognises the developments and transitions taking place in respect of Bio-fuels.

City buses in Tallinn, Estonia run on bio-CNG fueled by Bright’s biogas upgrading technology and commissioned by energy company Bioforce OU. The bio-CNG production site in Aravete has been operational since March this year and recently has been expanded. A new bio-CNG production facility will be built in Ebavere and is expected to be completed in the third quarter of 2023. Through virtual pipeline technology, the bio-CNG is transported to filling stations where buses can refuel.
Bio-CNG Powered Buses in Estonia Fueled by Bright’s Technology and Bioforce

Business Finland has awarded Neste with a public funding of €27.7 million for green hydrogen projects at Neste’s refinery in Porvoo, Finland, aiming to develop solutions for renewable hydrogen production.
IPCEI Grant Awarded to Neste Boosts Porvoo Refinery’s Green Hydrogen Projects

Wakefield BioChar, an innovative manufacturer of renewable products made from wood biomass, has successfully completed a rigorous certification process conducted by the Puro Standard, the leading carbon crediting program for carbon removal, to verify its biochar as a carbon removal tool. Wakefield BioChar is now certified to sell digital tradable assets called CO2 Removal Certificates (CORCs) in the carbon markets under an agreement with Puro.earth. This certification represents a major milestone as Wakefield BioChar has become the largest capacity biochar-based CORC supplier in the U.S.
Wakefield BioChar Enters the Carbon Market Under an Agreement With Puro.earth

Four leading Mid-Ulster companies have established a collaborative cluster with the aid of Queens University Belfast and facilitated by Center for Competitiveness / Smart Grid Ireland. The purpose of this pilot project is to unleash the Net-Zero innovation potential of their businesses and achieve their Environmental, Social and Governance objectives.
The Mid-Ulster partnership has been formed between Tobermore Concrete, CemCor (Cement), Dale Farm and RSC Group. This novel approach was enabled by the Center for Advanced Sustainable Energy (CASE) at QUB, which indicated that farming wastes could decarbonize our existing gas grid with profound repercussions for Northern Ireland’s capacity to reach Net Zero.
In this study, researchers lead by Prof. David Rooney at Queen’s University determined that transforming farm livestock manure and grass silage into biomethane could help to meet a significant percentage of Northern Ireland’s energy demand.
For the four companies, the proposed innovative “waste-to-watts” approach has the potential to promote: (i) the adoption of low-carbon farming practices; (ii) the development of low-carbon agri- food products; (iii) decarbonized fuel for transport vehicles; (iv) decarbonized construction products.
Irish Companies Collaborate to Eliminate Use of Fossil Fuels