The World Organisation of Building Officials recognises the need for consistency in the application of both Building Regulation and Codes, delivered through the actions of appropriately qualified and experienced professionals, and it is with interest we note the work being carried out in Australia to assess the effectiveness of both compliance and enforcement systems. WOBO encourages you to participate and through this processs also consider the application and enforcement of both the Building Regulations and Codes within your Country and area of work.
A discussion paper on a draft National Registration Framework for Building Practitioners is now open for public comment.
The Building Ministers’ Forum (BMF) authorised an assessment of the effectiveness of compliance and enforcement systems for the building and construction industry across Australia. The resulting Building Confidence Report (BCR) highlighted shortcomings in the implementation of the National Construction Code (NCC) and made 24 recommendations to address these issues.
Recommendations 1 and 2 of the BCR propose the registration of building practitioners involved in the design, construction and maintenance of buildings, and that each jurisdiction prescribes consistent registration requirements covering knowledge of NCC, competency and experience, insurance and financial viability, and integrity.
A discussion paper on a draft National Registration Framework (NRF) for Building Practitioners has been developed in response to BCR recommendations 1 and 2. The discussion paper seeks stakeholder feedback on the draft NRF.
The NRF, if adopted, is expected to enhance public confidence and improve national consistency in the registration of building practitioners. The NRF covers core disciplines in the fields of building production, approval and coordination.
Providing comment
Responses to questions on the discussion paper, outlined in the consultation form, are invited until 11:59PM AEST Sunday 23 August 2020. Only comments submitted using the online form will be considered.
If you have a question about this consultation, please contact bcrimplementationteam@abcb.