Renewables – fuels of the future.

Renewable energy use not only replaces conventional power but also reduces it to the extent of 40%. This is because solar and electrical-based systems are more efficient than conventional fuel-based systems. The efficiency improvement is of the order of 50% of the traditional systems. Renewable electricity energy use is 80% efficient compared to fuel-based combustion systems, which are only 40% efficient. No fuel can be used in raw form. It has to be processed before use. Then it has to be transported to the point of use. This requires a lot of effort and energy. Converting to renewable energy couldcreate several million more permanent, full-time jobs than jobs lost. Among renewable energy sources, the usage by 2050,as per a study, is likely to be about 30000 TWh by solar, 9100 TWh by wind and 800 by hydropower. Read more….