The UK Health and Safety Executive is looking for your support in the collection and storage of safety data

Making Sense of Safety Data – Our Data Warehouse Project
Discovering Safety is developing a data warehouse that will store, collate and make sense of the vast quantity of information on safety that is gathered in workplaces every year. Once in operation, it will lead the way towards more effective, better-informed interventions to prevent people from being harmed at work.
By bringing vast amounts of safety data together and then applying artificial intelligence (AI) tools to read it, the warehouse will greatly enhance our ability to apply learning to prevent the accidents of the future. The information stored and processed will begin with the 70,000-odd reports sent to HSE every year under the Reporting of Incidents, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR), about 130 of which involve fatalities.
“We will be engaging with industry in the coming months to find out how they would use the data warehouse and gain most value from it. We will then develop the warehouse further based on their opinions,” said Joseph Januszewski, an HSE data scientist coordinating the team who are developing the data warehouse.
Discovering Safety would like to hear from anyone in industry who is interested in finding out more or in helping develop the data warehouse by giving us their perspective or sharing data.
Read more in a new article on the Discovering Safety website or in the latest issue of the Discovering Safety LinkedIn Newsletter.