WOBO supports the goals of UNDESA DISD – United Nations

A virtual briefing by the UN System will be held on 8 September 2023 from 8:30AM to 10:00AM ET at this link, in furtherance of the Open-ended Working Group on Ageing’s Decision 13/1 adopted at its thirteenth session. It requested the co-facilitators to facilitate the consideration of the existing international framework of the human rights of older persons and the identification of possible gaps in the protection of the human rights of older persons and how best to address them.
The decision also invited the co-facilitators to conduct open, transparent and inclusive informal intergovernmental meetings between the thirteenth and fourteenth sessions of the Working Group. More information on intersessional efforts can be found at this link.
UN System Briefing Agenda
Co-Facilitators’ Welcome: the Mission of Portugal to the UN and the Mission of Brazil to the UN
1. Ms. Masumi Ono, Chief, Social Inclusion and Participation Branch, UN Department for Economic and Social Affairs
2. Mr. Rio Hada, Officer-in-Charge, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Section, Development and Economic and Social Issues Branch, UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
3. Mr. Ricardo Pla Cordero, Protection Officer, Division of International Protection, UN High Commissioner for Refugees
4. Ms. Alana Officer, Unit Head, Demographic Change and Healthy Ageing, World Health Organization
5. Ms. Francoise Jacob, UN Resident Coordinator in Serbia, UN Development Coordination Office
Question and Answers
Please find the full Teams web conferencing link below: