Are the sustainability and fire safety agendas compatible?

WOBO thanks IFSEC GLOBAL for the link to the paper by Ron Alalouff.

Are the sustainability and fire safety agendas compatible?

At the Fire Conference 2022 last month, delegates heard about the need to put sustainability at the heart of what fire safety professionals think and do from Steve Hamm, Chief Executive of the Institution of Fire Engineers.

The topic of sustainability is so important that the impetus for it has to come from the top of organisations, said Steve Hamm. “Some things have to come from the board – sustainability is one of those.”

Once that is the case, an organisation such as the Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE) needs to inject sustainability into everything it does. For example, how do we assess membership and registration, ethics, values, behaviour, CPD and qualifications in terms of sustainability? The syllabus is certainly getting broader.

Its members are expected to have an understanding of what is going on in terms of sustainability, he said, and to have an understanding of the challenges to fire safety that sustainability poses. They are expected to have a commitment to ethical behaviour – this is vital. But how do we ensure there is demonstrable evidence of ethical behaviour? They are also expected to contribute to sustainable solutions rather than adding to the problems, in other words to understand what we are dealing with regarding fire safety and sustainability.  Read more…

Are the sustainability and fire safety agendas compatible?

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