Australia: Applications are now open for our 2023 Cadetship Program!

WOBO thanks the Australian Building Codes Board for the opportunity for individuals to apply for their training progamme

Graduate throwing hats into the air.

A Cadetship with the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) is your opportunity to build on your qualifications and expertise, and gain a great insight into the National Construction Code (NCC).

The ABCB is the national standards writing body responsible for the development of the NCC, and administration of the WaterMark and CodeMark Product Certification Schemes.

Working at the ABCB provides a unique insight into building regulation and development. You’ll get to work alongside industry and governments, and highly respected professionals to develop world-class building and plumbing codes.

An ABCB Cadetship offers:

  • 12-months training and development with experts in building codes and standards
  • 3 rotations to experience diverse roles and responsibilities across the agency
  • starting salary of $63,117, plus 15.4% superannuation (non-ongoing APS 3)
  • relocation assistance if you’re moving to Canberra
  • possibility of an ongoing position on successful completion of the program.

This is an excellent opportunity for those considering a career pathway in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) stream, or interested in a career in the Australian Public Service (APS).

The ABCB is seeking applicants who are passionate about the built environment, strong team members, good communicators, and who like to show initiative when researching and exploring creative solutions.

If this sounds like you, take the next step in your career and find out how you can apply.

Applications close on Friday 30 September 2022.

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