Information is key for the; design, construction, certification and long term maintenance of the built environment. The Australian Building Codes Board sets out their intent and allows members and fellow professionals to contribute to the outcome.

A discussion paper is now open for public comment.
Recommendation 20 of the Building Confidence Report (BCR) states that each jurisdiction should require a comprehensive building manual for Class 2 – 9 buildings to be lodged with the building owners and made available to successive purchasers of the building.
In response to this, the BCR Implementation Team has developed a discussion paper seeking feedback on:
- the information that should be collected in building manuals
- where information, collected for building manuals, should be stored
- who should oversee creation of a building manual
- possible processes to create building manuals, and
- the types of buildings that should require a building manual.
Your feedback will be used to develop model guidance for states and territories.
Providing comment
Responses to questions in the discussion paper are welcomed until 11:59PM AEST Monday 17 May 2021. Only responses submitted using the online form via the ABCB’s Consultation Hub will be considered.
If you have any questions about this consultation, please contact the BCR Implementation Team.