WOBO thanks the Queensland Government for the reminder of the Regulatory changes.

Building and Plumbing Newsflash 590
To advise that a remade Building Regulation 2021 (BR 2021) is proposed to commence on 1 September 2021.
The Building Regulation 2006 (BR 2006) will expire (sunset) on 31 August 2021 and is proposed to be remade.
A ‘sunset’ review of the BR 2006 built on the certification reforms introduced through the Building Industry Fairness (Security of Payment) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2020.
As part of the process, the Department of Energy and Public Works consulted industry and used the feedback to help draft the proposed new BR 2021, which is expected to commence on 1 September 2021.
What are the key changes to expect?
The BR 2021 continues to support the objectives of the Building Act 1975 and generally maintains the obligations and requirements in the BR 2006, except for the following changes to:
• consider human rights in line with the Human Rights Act 2019
• renumber sections
• reorder parts of the regulation to improve useability
• make administrative and drafting style updates
• make requirements easier to understand
• remove outdated transitional provisions
• provide for necessary transitional arrangements, including continuing the combustible cladding checklist obligations for private building owner which strengthen fire safety for building occupants
• increase the maximum penalty for giving false or misleading documents/certificates to a building certifier to strengthen the certification process
• improve record keeping practices for building certifiers
• keep existing local governments’ powers to help manage bushfire prone areas, areas with flood risks, and simple building work in their local areas
• make amendments to other legislation to remove references to the BR 2006 and reflect the new BR 2021, including prescribing when an infringement notice can be issued for an offence. Read more…