WOBO members and fellow professionals have an opportunity to comment on the draft proposals. Comments rae required by 11:59PM AEDT Sunday 17 January 2021.

A draft Framework on the publication of auditing and compliance information is now open for public comment.
Recommendation 7 of the Building Confidence Report (BCR) is that each jurisdiction makes public its audit strategy for regulatory oversight of the construction of commercial buildings (defined as Class 2–9 buildings), with annual reporting on audit findings and outcomes.
In response, the BCR Implementation Team has developed a draft Framework to guide building regulators to publish auditing and compliance information. Implementation of the draft Framework is expected to increase industry compliance with the National Construction Code and increase public confidence in the building industry. The draft Framework draws on input received from stakeholders during a June-July 2020 survey dealing with reporting on the auditing of commercial buildings.
The draft Framework has been designed to assist regulators and industry by:
- communicating the importance of regulators’ auditing activities to industry and the public, fostering confidence in regulatory actions and supporting increased efficiency
- building a collaborative relationship with industry that can be drawn on to address compliance trends
- reporting on auditing outcomes with greater consistency across jurisdictions, supporting analysis of trends and enabling the impacts of regulatory or policy changes to be identified, assessed and addressed
- increasing industry’s ability to deliver safe buildings to building owners and users through empowering it to take on a greater role in recognising and responding to emerging trends shown in public reporting on auditing, and
- encouraging value compliance and increasing awareness of the consequences of non-compliance.
Providing comment
Responses to questions on the draft Framework, outlined in the consultation form, are invited until 11:59PM AEDT Sunday 17 January 2021. Only comments submitted using the online form will be considered.
If you have a question about this consultation, please contact bcrimplementationteam@abcb.