Australia is reflecting on its building confidence report and taking initiatives to address the concerns raised – an interactive and positive process.
A discussion paper is now open for public comment in response to the Building Confidence Report.
Recommendation 21 of the Building Confidence Report (BCR) is that Building Ministers agree a position on the establishment of a compulsory product certification system for high-risk building products.
Following initial analysis by the BCR Implementation Team, the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) advised Building Ministers that a compulsory scheme for high-risk building products may not address the compliance issues identified in the BCR.
In response to this, the BCR Implementation Team has prepared a discussion paper to aid the development of a National Building Product Assurance Framework. The Framework seeks to address the problems associated with building product safety.
The discussion paper explores a number of areas for reform and is seeking your views on the current problems associated with building product safety, as well as feedback on the proposed solutions. Your feedback will be considered for inclusion in the final National Building Product Assurance Framework, which will be provided to Building Ministers for consideration.
Providing Comment
Responses to questions in the discussion paper are welcomed until 11:59 AEST Sunday 6 June 2021. Only responses submitted using the online form via the ABCB’s Consultation Hub will be considered.