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New Commercial energy efficiency handbook released by the Australian Building Codes Board.
Our new Commercial energy efficiency handbook is now available. – This handbook provides guidance on the NCC 2022 energy efficiency requirements for Class 3 and Class 5 to Class 9 commercial buildings.
The Commercial energy efficiency handbook includes guidance on Performance Requirements, compliance pathways, and new provisions for electric vehicles and on-site renewable energy equipment.
Read more and access the Commercial energy efficiency handbook

New CPD micromodules introduced by the Australian Building Codes Board.
We have released 4 new continuing professional development (CPD) micromodules.
The NCC CPD micromodules are designed to empower practitioners with the latest insights in building compliance and regulation. They have been developed for CPD providers to deliver as part of their own CPD activities.
The new CPD micromodules are:
- Interpreting and complying with the NCC
- Energy efficiency – compliance options for apartments
- Documenting PCA (Plumbing Code of Australia – NCC Volume Three) compliance
- Introduction to Performance Solutions
- See all CPD micromodules available

How Australia can lead the way in mining electrification
Mining is responsible for four to seven per cent of global emissions. Decarbonising the sector in Australia via methods such as electrification is the future – and, increasingly, the present.
Driving productivity by moving freight back onto rail
With transport emissions increasing, Australia needs to consider more sustainable freight transportation options – but there are a few obstacles standing in the way.