In support of accessibility WOBO encourages its members and fellow professionals to reflect on the Australian Government’s Consultation in respect of Premises Standards and submit their views by the close of play on 2 Nov 2020 by completing the form with comments and respond by email to:

The Australian Government is reviewing the Disability (Access to Premises – Building) Standards 2010.
The purpose of the Premises Standards is to make sure:
- people living with a disability and their family members, carers and friends have equal access to public buildings
- building certifiers, developers and managers fulfil their responsibilities to people with disabilities under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992
The Standards:
- apply to new buildings
- apply new work like renovations on existing buildings
- could apply to an existing building
- cover common areas of apartment buildings
- don’t cover people’s homes
The National Construction Code contains these Standards. The code makes access requirements mandatory, and state and territory regulators can enforce them. The Australian Human Rights Commission can also investigate and resolve complaints of unlawful discrimination on disability grounds.