Australia Updates

It is interesting to see the professional development taking place through collaboration, and that national problems are international problems!!

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Recognition for Australian and Indonesian engineers

A newly signed mutual recognition agreement will see engineers’ credentials recognised by professional bodies in both nations.

The Australia-Indonesia professional relationship is showing promise following the signing of a mutual recognition agreement (MRA) that will see engineers’ credentials recognised by each professional body.

The agreement, signed by representatives from Engineers Australia and the Institution of Engineers Indonesia (PII), is designed to highlight the opportunity for mobility of engineers between the two countries.

Under the arrangement, Chartered members of Engineers Australia will now be eligible for the title of Professional Engineer from the PII, while PII members with relevant engineering qualifications and the titles of Professional Engineer or Executive Professional Engineer will be eligible for Chartered status via Engineers Australia.


Indigenous Australia’s engineering feats

For many millennia, Indigenous Australians have engineered the landscape using sophisticated technological and philosophical knowledge systems in a deliberate response to changing social and environmental circumstances.

These knowledge systems integrate profound understanding of Country, bringing together an understanding of the topography and geology of the landscape, its natural cycles and ecological systems, its hydrological systems and its natural resources, including fauna and flora. This has enabled people to manage resources sustainably and reliably.

Engineering is about process, and the process of engineering was very different in Australia before the English colonised the land. However, when our Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander students take the step into engineering, or other STEM subjects, there is little material provided that relates to their experience or their peoples’ technical and management knowledge. This is a result of historic denial of the First Nations of Australia as enduring scientific and technical civilisations.

Water ingress is becoming more prevalent in multi-unit apartment blocks. While the issue has been overshadowed by more hazardous and threatening  cladding related fire risks, more and more apartment owners are now facing water ingress and mould issues.  Read Article




Leaky Building Syndrome – A Comparison Between Australia, Canada, and NZ

Looking at both Canada and New Zealand, can one determine whether Australia, which is experiencing it’s own leaky building genesis, can avoid or at least contain a leaky building scenario that as it stands looks ominous?  Read Article


The Development of Best Practice Building Regulation – Key Take outs and Learnings from 30 Years of Experience

Adjunct Professor Kim Lovegrove MSE, RML has had a number of building regulatory reform deployments since the early nineties in the antipodes, Asia, and Africa. This piece is his collation of the key take outs and learnings in the development of best practice building regulation from his career.

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