WOBO is pleased to provide details of news items provided by the ABCB

Transition to lead free plumbing products continues
The 1 May 2026 transition date is approaching. The NCC has introduced a new limit for the allowable level of lead in plumbing products used for drinking water. Copper alloy plumbing products containing more than 0.25% lead will no longer be authorised for installation in a plumbing system used to convey drinking water.
Read more – abcb.gov.au/news/2024/transition-lead-free-plumbing-products

Digital resources to help you navigate the NCC
NCC Navigator provides digital first guidance to help practitioners navigate essential NCC topics. It has been developed with busy practitioners in mind. The short, targeted format, with easy-to-navigate sections, gives you information at your fingertips.
The ever-growing library will help you to effectively interpret and apply the NCC to various topics.
It’s your personal guide to the NCC! Read more –.abcb.gov.au/education/ncc-navigator

Housing energy efficiency calculator
The NCC 2022 Housing energy efficiency calculator assists in understanding and applying the Volume Two ABCB Housing Provisions Standard Part 13 DTS Provisions for energy efficiency.
Download the energy efficiency calculator – view.officeapps.live.com/op/view.aspx?src=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.abcb.gov.au