Austria: European Pellet Conference 2021

European Pellet Conference: Bioenergy for a green recovery!

Bioenergy for a green recovery – this is the focus of the next European Pellet Conference, the largest annual pellet event worldwide, which will take place on 24 – 25 February 2021 in Wels/Austria.

Europe has the ambitious goal of becoming the first climate neutral continent by 2050.

The Green Deal and the EU Climate Law are first concrete steps.

Bioenergy is a key pillar of the European and global energy transition and can also contribute to economic growth.

In 2021, the conference – the largest annual pellet event worldwide with more than 450 participants from over 50 countries each year – shows how we can make a green recovery happen in practice and how the pellet sector can profit from this deep transformation.

What’s happening in 2021?

  • Plenary sessions and workshops: Updates on the Green Deal and other policies, technologies, markets, research, financing and case studies
  • Pellet Innovation Factory: Presentations on innovations in fuels, combustion, standards and business models
  • World of Pellets: Updates and outlook on European and global markets by representatives from all over the world
  • Technical site visits on pellets and wood chips: A full day of technical site visits. Hands-on experience and information directly from technology suppliers and plant operators
  • Young Biomass Researchers Conference: A conference presenting the work of young biomass researchers. The best contribution receives the Best Young Biomass Researcher Award.
  • Poster Presentation: An opportunity to display successful biomass projects and products as well as results of EU projects to international experts
  • “Pellet tradeshow” (Energiesparmesse): Leading tradeshow on renewable energy and energy efficiency with over 100 pellet-related exhibitors

Get involved in the programme! – Call for Papers and Speakers
Share your work with the worldwide sustainable energy community! You are warmly invited to submit your topic or propose a speaker through the conference website at

Deadline 12 October 2020




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