A last minute opportunity to join the BIMtour – online Wednesday.
Why this image for this BIMtour session?
Because we are going to analyze the true paradigm shift caused by BIM: taking into account the entire value chain. And this image symbolizes how great the seventh art is, the cinema. And it is when at the end of a movie everyone appears, absolutely everyone and everyone, even the animals and the places used to make a movie.
They understand that they have all been essential, that they are all part of a value chain and that everyone should be cited. In fact, there are a hundred people for each name of an actor or actress that appears. A notable difference with our sector.
We are going to talk about BIM when the important thing is neither the architect or the engineer or the builder. It is the so-called Industrial BIM , the BIM applied to the industrial field, manufacturer, producer, manufacturer, operator, maintainer.
Here begins a countdown to the radical change in the sector. A sector that we call AECO, that is, it brings together Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Operation, which must now assume and embrace the manufacturer. The Industry 4.0 revolution is not so much the recognition of the new technologies that make it possible, but the fact of being able to be all and everything connected.
This session will deal with this topic, how BIM has become the enabler of a new connection, the connection between the industrial world and the construction world. A connection that has more to do with BAM ( Building Assembly Manufacturing ) than with BIM ( Building Information Modeling), the basis for the reconversion of the entire sector:
Registration: https://www.eventbrite.es/e/entradas-bimtour-bim4industry-160944173355