The global demand for energy continues and WOBO welcomes initiatives that focus on renewables. The work carried out by DEEP in the development and production of power through Geothermal resources is most positive.

Canada’s First Geothermal Production and Injection Well Test Exceeds Expectations

DEEP will commence drilling this month with the deepest horizontal well to date in Saskatchewan’s history, allowing for the installation of a large diameter submersible pump. This initial horizontal well will be the first step in constructing the first geothermal power facility in Canada. Early power generation technology is being sourced for immediate self-generation, supplying power for drilling, testing and construction activities for the Williston Basin’s first 20-MW geothermal power plant, which can supply enough power for approximately 20,000 households.
In addition to geothermal power generation, DEEP is pursuing the utilization of waste oilfield flare gas and solar generation to power the facility’s internal and external parasitic power requirements (cooling towers, lighting, pumps). This globally unique power hub will produce clean baseload power while significantly reducing fossil fuel emissions. Utilizing local world class oilfield drilling expertise, this project is a first step in Canada’s significant energy transition to clean power. This first 20 MW field would offset approximately 114,000 metric tons of CO2/year, equal to removing 32,000 cars off the road annually.