Fire Safety Updates

WOBO is pleased to provide an update on fire developments and news items from Fire Safety Matters. LFB creates fire safety training package for security and facilities staff THE LONDON Fire Brigade has worked with partner organisations to create Project Kestrel, an online training package...

International Code Council Update

WOBO acknowledges the activities and news items provided by ICC. The Power of Building Code Inspections and Home Inspections in Safeguarding Your Home, Part 2 The COVID-19 pandemic changed the way people work, communicate, shop and play, and while some of its impacts proved to...

Australia News and Updates

WOBO appreciates the information provided by Create Digital and Lovegrove and Cotton. Cementing the future of regional manufacturing A more environmentally friendly cement promises to be a game changer for the construction industry. When construction materials supplier Adbri decided to set a goal of net...

Renewable Energy News and Updates

It is essential that WOBO members and fellow professionals keep up with developments within the energy sector and appreciate the support provided by Renewable Energy. How Feasible Are Water Heaters for Storing Renewable Energy? Every home has a hidden renewable energy storage source — the...

edie News and Updates

WOBO thanks “edie” for the information provided for its members and fellow professionals. UK universities threaten to divest billions unless banks accelerate net-zero plans Cambridge University is leading a coalition of 21 UK universities managing more than £5bn in investments in warning banks and asset...

WOBO Governors meeting 14 February 2024

WOBO President and Governors are keen to increase the activities of the organisation and will be focussing on learning and development. The meeting was interactive and the governors will be looking to broaden the input into both the organisation and supporting the website and would...

“edie” Updates and News

WOBO thanks edie for their latest news items and the opportunity for members and fellow professionals the chance to win an edie ticket. How you can win a free edie 24 ticket (worth £1197) edie is calling upon it’s readers to take a 2 minute...

Australia News

WOBO is always pleased to share global news and thanks the ABCB and CREATE DIGITAL for the information and articles provided. Apartment Energy Efficiency handbook This handbook provides guidance on the energy efficiency requirements for Class 2 apartment buildings. It also complements the Housing Energy...

Fire Safety Updates

It is essential that WOBO members and fellow professionals maintain their competency in respect of fire safety. 58% of unsafe buildings yet to start remediation works, government data shows Data from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities’ (DLUHC) monthly remediation report, shows that...

WOBO President Paul Myers recognised for his contribution to the Building Safety Industry

WOBO Governors are pleased to present the contribution made by our President in the promotion of Building Safety and Code development. Paul Myers’ Valuable Contribution to the Formation of the Code Council A Career Motivated by Passion: Paul Myers’ Valuable Contribution to the Formation of...

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