The Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) launches a 3 year training project.

Future safety will be enhanced by professionals we train now.   Building, fire and safety officials play a critical role in enabling the safe, widespread and rapid deployment of new technologies. However, emerging technologies have outpaced codes and existing educational resources, creating an urgent need for...

Fire competency – A guide for safety practitioners

A reminder of the need for competency. Howard Passey, Director of Operations and Principal Consultant at the Fire Protection Association, explores fire competency and what those responsible for health and safety within a building need to know. Competent provision of fire safety is more than...

WEBINAR: Learn about the new ISO 45003

WOBO recognises the impact of the pandemic and will provide links to support you and your organisations in a return to normal. Managing psychological health in the workplace: an introduction to the new international standard, ISO 45003 on Wednesday 19th May 1pm (BST) We’ve invited expert guest speaker Kate Field, Global...

UK: New competence criteria for all building workers

Competence is core to building safety. The BSI, in its role as the UK National Standards Body, has published new competence criteria following two rounds of public consultation. The resulting standard supports industry reform and intends to minimise safety risks and improve protection to consumers...

England & Wales: Fire Safety Bill becomes Fire Safety Act 2021

Fire Safety in the UK – latest developments. On the 19th March 2020, The Home Office introduced the new Fire Safety Bill, in an effort to improve fire safety in buildings in England and Wales. The Bill has passed through the parliamentary process to become...

Stress Talking Toolkit launched for the construction sector

WOBO thanks the HSE for the support provided to its members and their organisations. HSE has published a Work-related Stress Talking Toolkit for the construction sector. Developed with the help of industry stakeholders, the Work-related Stress Talking Toolkit is primarily aimed at small and medium sized businesses...

Fire Safety for Solar Panels

WOBO – a gentle reminder to consider safety at all times. As green technology positively disrupts the residential sector, firefighters must adopt new extinguishing techniques. Of all the renewable energy systems, solar panels pose the greatest threat from a home fire perspective. Although solar panel-caused...

Consultation on National Construction Code (NCC) 2022 public comment draft (stage 1) is now open

WOBO is pleased to provide a link to the Australian Building Codes Board for members and fellow professionals to participate in the developments taking place. Don’t miss your opportunity to have your say on the next edition of the NCC. The Australian Building Codes Board...

Wind Can Power 3.3 Million New Jobs Over Next Five Years

WOBO welcomes the opportunities provided by wind power. New analysis by the Global Wind Energy Council shows that 3.3 million new wind power jobs can be created globally over the next five years thanks to major industry expansion. This figure includes direct jobs in both onshore and...

UK: London King Cross inks green gas deal with Iona Capital

WOBO welcomes development and use of “green gas”. Iona Capital has agreed a landmark deal with King’s Cross in London which will see the 67-acre estate switch entirely to green gas, meaning that all the heating and hot water for the estate’s 2,000 homes, 5 million...

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