WOBO members and fellow professionals are invited to submit papers and participate in the New Zealand BIM Education Symposium 2020 (BENZ)  The BIM Education New Zealand (BENZ)Bim New Zealand is organising its first Building Information Modelling (BIM) Education Symposium on Wednesday 25 November 2020. The...

Fire Australia 2021 welcomes you to Sydney

Nathan Semos, Chief Operating Officer, Fire Protection Association Australia invites you to participate in their Fire Conference 2021. Save the Date! Fire Australia 2021 welcomes you to Sydney. International Convention Centre, Sydney, Tuesday 11 – Thursday 13 May 2021. conference  @icc-sydney @fpa_australia   Fire Australia 2021...

UK: Legislation update webinar: October 2020

Health and Safety are both key elements of a building officials remit.  The Safety and Health Practitioner (SHP) in conjunction with “barbour” are providing the opportunity to catch up on legislative developments and changes.  Returning to the workplace post-COVID-19, The Fire Safety Bill and Building...

Inaugural IBQC Annual Forum – Universal Good Practice Building Regulation: The Key Elements. Free Registration

Further to our original IBQC posting we are pleased to announce that the event is open for free registration.  Please support this initiative. Join the International Code Council and the University of Canberra on October 9, for the inaugural annual Forum of the International Building Quality...

Inaugural IBQC Annual Forum – Universal Good Practice Building Regulation: The Key Elements

The International Building Quality Centre (IBQC) formed an agenda item of a recent virtual conference between WOBO Governors David Gibson, Stephen Jones and Judy Zakreski, Vice President of Global Services ICC.  The discussion related to the centre, it’s base at the University of Canberra, and...

Firex International: Tall Building Fire Safety Conference

Join your colleagues at the first ever digital Tall Building Fire Safety Conference, going live on Wednesday 30 September 2020. This brand-new format makes it easier than ever to hear from high-level international speakers covering the latest building and fire safety legislation from wherever you...

New Zealand – “BUILT TO LAST 2020” Conference

The development of the built environment is about people and their actions.  The “Built to Last 2020” conference addresses the here and now best practice with a key focus on resilience. Friday, 30 October 2020 / The Cordis Hotel, 83 Symonds Street, Auckland & Streamed live...

Austria: European Pellet Conference 2021

European Pellet Conference: Bioenergy for a green recovery! Bioenergy for a green recovery – this is the focus of the next European Pellet Conference, the largest annual pellet event worldwide, which will take place on 24 – 25 February 2021 in Wels/Austria. Europe has the ambitious goal of...

Australia: Largest Online Construction Event

Australia’s Build week is the largest virtual event comprising 6 stages each hosting a summit reflecting a choice of construction, BIM, digital construction, sustainability and safety, infrastructure and transport.  The event provides an opportunity for professionals to dip in and out to suit their individual...

UK: New standard framework for competence across the built environment webinar

The UK Engineering Council has provided information in respect of a Webinar on new BSI standards for the built environment BSI, the British Standards Institution, will run a free online webinar on Thursday 24 September for people working in every aspect of the design, build and...

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