Minutes of the Board of Governors November 2018 – Toronto

MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS MEETING 2018 The Board of Governors Meeting of the World Organization of Building Officials in collaboration with The Building Show held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre at Toronto, Ontario, Canada, from November 28-30, 2018, transacted the following business....

2018 WOBO Membership letter – 3rd Quarter

2018 3rd Quarter Letter from The President I will start by again expressing my appreciation for the contributions made by the Board of Governors, and the patience of the membership. Some of you have been asking for additional information about activities. If you have not...

Minutes of the Board of Governors, November 2005, Hong Kong

Minutes of the Board of Governors, 18 November 2005, Hong Kong was held in the offices of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors and transacted the following business. WOBO Mtg Minutes Nov 2005...

Minutes of the Board of Governors, April 2004, Tokyo, Japan

Minutes of the Board of Governors, April 2004, Tokyo, Japan Minutes of the Board of Governors, meeting 2004.  The Board of Governors meeting of the World Organisation of Building Officials held at The Building Centre of Japan and transacted the following business Final_WOBO_Meeting_Minutes_April_22_2004...


WOBO Board of Governors Minutes May 2003...

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