Historic declaration can provide 230 million European households with green electricity

A positive move towards “EU’s climate neutrality”. At the North Sea Summit in Esbjerg, Denmark, 18th May, Heads of Governments from Denmark, Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands have taken an enormous step toward reaching the EU’s climate neutrality goal by co-signing a joint declaration that...

UK: Home Secretary unveils fire reform plans

WOBO appreciates the notice from Workplace DNA and the opportunity for members and fellow professionals to comment. “The most comprehensive plans for fire reform in decades” have been set out in the government’s Fire Reform White Paper, which will “help strengthen the emergency services and seek...

ICC: Collaboration to improve building safety and accessibility

Collaboration is key to development! The International Code Council and Accessibility Standards Canada celebrated an agreement that will facilitate the sharing of best practices related to building accessibility. The agreement will allow Accessibility Standards Canada to reference the Code Council’s ICC A117. 1-2017 Standard for...

Free webinar from HSE! Musculoskeletal Disorders: Managing the Risk of Manual Handling and Display Screen Equipment for Workers on Site or Working from Home

WOBO thanks HSE for their update! Musculoskeletal Disorders: Managing the Risk of Manual Handling and Display Screen Equipment for Workers on Site or Working from Home Hosted by Health and Safety Matters, 22 June 2022 at 10:30am The world of work is constantly changing and...

barbour: Fire Strategy for a Building

WOBO thanks “barbour” for their recent fire update. Do you know how your organisation’s fire strategy should look? This can be difficult to determine – especially when you consider that there isn’t a clear common understanding of the legal requirements and what minimum level of information...

UK: HSE respiratory health site inspection initiative for the construction sector

Dust can kill! WOBO thanks HSE for their UK update. Site inspections across Great Britain throughout June 2022 Every week, workers in the construction industry develop serious lung diseases that can have a devastating impact on them and their families. During June, HSE will be carrying...

Australian Building Codes Board: NCC 2022

WOBO thanks the ABCB for the link to their latest updates. See the first release of NCC 2022 We know it’s big, and there is a lot to get across, so we’re bringing it to you in two stages so you can become familiar with what’s new...

WOBO – President Page May 2022

President Paul Myers is pleased to provide an update in  respect of activities and WOBO’s participation in the WSSET Conference scheduled for August 2022. WOBO letter – Presidents- Governors page May 2022...

Scotland: Planning and Architecture News

WOBO thanks the Scottish Government for the opportunity for members and fellow professionals to participate in the consultation. Phase 2 Permitted Development Rights Consultation Published A public consultation on the second phase of the review on permitted development rights (PDR) was published on 11 May 2022. The PDR review...

WSSET Conference and Newsletter 2022

WOBO thanks Celia Berry for her update in respect of the WSSET newsletters and conference. Dear Colleagues I am glad to be able to send you the latest newsletter from WSSET; I hope you find it interesting. Previous newsletter can be found on the WSSET website here: https://www.wsset.org/news-events/newsletters....

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