Changing the world; one project at a time!

Project management and sustainability!


London South Bank University

Calling out Project Managers… How can you drive #sustainable change through #projectmanagement? Join us on 11 Nov for an insightful half day webinar entitled ‘Changing the world; one project at a time!’

We’ll be joined by a range of experts from LSBU & beyond! Check out the full programme & sign up here:

Projects have for long been the instrument of choice for driving business, organizational and national change in both Global south and Global north. The role of project managers as the agents of change is ever more critical in today’s world in crisis. One of the areas which has received much attention in the recent decades is “sustainability”.

Project managers need to be fiscally sustainable as well as socially and environmentally sustainable. This means that in addition to awareness on the impact of projects on the environment, there is need for evaluate the risks related to labour practices, human rights, fair business dealings, and consumer issues. By knowing how to integrate sustainability into all project management practices and guiding the project organisations towards sustainability, projects can make significant positive differences.

LSBU’s Business School are proud to be present ‘Changing the world; one project at a time!’ where we will discuss how projects can drive positive sustainable change by recognizing the essential rights of all to healthy, clean and safe environments, equal opportunity, fair remuneration, ethical procurement, and adherence to rule of law. We’re joined by a range of expert guest speakers from LSBU & beyond who are all doing incredible work in this area…

Provisional programme

9.15am – Welcome & virtual housekeeping inc. Zoom functionality – Neil Hudson-Basing, Corporate Events Manager, LSBU

9.20am – Introduction & scene setting – Dr Sara Hajikazemi, LSBU Business School

9.30am – Keynote talk: Measuring Sustainability Impact for Infrastructure Projects from the Construction Industry – Professor Simon Philbin, Director of Engineering and Enterprise, LSBU

10am – Project Managers as Bastions of Sustainable Construction – Professor Obas John Ebohon, School of Built Environment & Architecture, LSBU

10.20 am – The paradoxical profession: Sustainability & Project Management – Dr Luca Sabini, University of Hertfordshire

10.40 am – Q&A with presenters 1 & 2

11am – Comfort break

11.10 am – Transforming the Net Zero Landscape: Inspiring and equipping PM Professionals and Change Makers for 10x Impact – Merv Wyeth, Project Management Institute

11.30 am – Overcoming the Barriers to Integrating Sustainability into PM Practices – Steve Tofts, Creative PM Ltd

11:50 am – Q&A with presenters 3 & 4

12.10 pm – Closing remarks, summary and poll results

12.30 pm – Conference closes

12.30 pm –Virtual networking over lunch session (optional)

1 pm – Close

This event will be delivered via Zoom. You will receive the joining instructions 3 days before the event takes place.

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