WOBO appreciates the links provided by Create Digital in relation to both research and developments taking place.

Homegrown solutions to the global microplastics problem
Esteemed innovator Professor Veena Sahajwalla breaks down how microfactories can transform waste into high-value materials.

Constructing the “ingenious” Rookwood Weir
The biggest weir built in Australia since World War II is a masterclass in engineering innovation and sustainability, and services a catchment area larger than England.
This article was originally published in the November 2024 issue of create with the headline “Going with the flow”.
The Fitzroy River in central Queensland supports six species of freshwater turtle, two of them threatened species.
To forage for food and conduct breeding migrations, the reptiles must sometimes swim tens of kilometres up and downstream, leaving the safety of the water only to nest or, during dry conditions, move between isolated pools in different sections of the river.
So a $568.9 million weir stretching more than 350 m across the river that’s made from 131,000 m³ of concrete could present a challenge for a white-throated snapping turtle heading upstream in search of juicy tadpoles or water striders.

Energy-efficient building solutions to aid improved emissions reporting
Businesses are under pressure to reduce their energy footprint. MetecnoPIR’s thermal building solutions can play a significant role in helping new and existing building assets to decarbonise.

How NASA uses generative design to triple component strength
Advances in AI are changing the way NASA creates some of its most complex machines.

Breaking down the engineering reality in popular film
From exoskeletons to self-driving cars to suits that recycle bodily fluids, how does the engineering of these film favourites stack up?

The road to recycling: Circular solutions for construction challenges
Following years of extensive testing, Victoria University researchers have developed a recycled trench back-fill mix design for use in trench work in trafficable areas that rivals the durability of scarce natural aggregates.

The tech platform that unlocked efficiencies for a project engineering firm
Here’s how a rapidly growing consultancy is using digital tools to speed operations, including cutting tender response times from six weeks to just two.

Melbourne’s new trams are all class
The next generation of rolling stock promises to deliver improvements in energy efficiency and passenger safety.