WOBO appreciates the links provided by Create Digital in relation to research and developments taking place.

EVs versus ICEs: a carbon emissions comparison
It’s well-known that electric vehicles are cleaner and greener to run than those powered by fossil fuels. But does this logic still ring true when factoring in total lifecycle emissions?
New benchmarks in structural fire testing released
One of the leading fire-testing facilities in the Southern Hemisphere is giving these Australian researchers extraordinary new insights into fire engineering.
What new engineering disciplines will be driven by generative AI?
Generative AI, introduced into the consumer sphere by tools such as ChatGPT, is revolutionising engineering in ways we cannot yet imagine – including the creation of entire new industries.

The world’s largest aircraft will transport wind turbine blades
Radia’s WindRunner, currently in development and touted as the world’s largest aircraft, will be capable of transporting wind turbine blades more than 100 m long.

Is putting data centres into space possible?
Data centres demand enormous power and immense heat – and some operators are looking at sending them into space.

New rainfall guidelines to tackle a changing climate
A critical update to Australia’s approach to rainfall and runoff will allow engineers to achieve a more flood-resilient future.