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CROSS-UK Newsletter 76
CROSS-UK Newsletter 76 includes expert comment on fire and structural safety reports made to CROSS. The PDF version, accessed via the button below, also includes a range of building safety updates. Read the Newsletter
Newsletter content highlights
A medium rise residential building was constructed using a load bearing metal stud system. Multiple defects were found in both the design and the construction. |
Concerns that inappropriately low loads might be used in the fire testing of light gauge steel studs to obtain an increased fire resistance period. |
A report about structural designs prepared by an inexperienced and inappropriately qualified designer. |
Concerns about the improper installation of passive fire protection in wall penetrations by a third party certificated installer. |
A report from an employee of a firm of engineers who were involved in the inspection and remediation of deteriorated concrete beams in a 1950s educational building. |
A report from a fire and rescue service about a concerning fire in the communal escape route of a small, single stair apartment building. |
Concerns that the principles of uniformly loaded slabs are being erroneously used to assess punching shear for transfer slabs. |
A reporter asks whether portable extinguishers should be more readily available for residential occupancies in the UK following the publication of recent Fire Industry Association research and international code changes. |
Reluctance to check calculations despite concerns raised by a subcontractor that a force given by a Finite Element model did not exist. |
A reporter believes Approved Document B, and Regulation 7 and Requirement B4 of The Building Regulations 2010 have fire resistance requirements that are vague and open to interpretation where flat roof upstands join and rise up a wall. |