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Need help cutting through the complexities on how to make onsite solar a viable part of their net-zero strategy?
Attend our 45-minute masterclass: Integrating carbon credits into a climate action strategy – best practice for business and leave with actionable insights and best practice examples when it comes to businesses investing in carbon credits to support decarbonisation goals.
We’ll be joined by:
• Joe Cruttwell, General Manager for Europe, Patch Technologies
• Stephen Keys, Chief Talent and Sustainability Officer, IFS
Register now to secure your spot and start cutting through complexities and start exploring how to navigate the evolving VCM landscape and how carbon credits can form part of a holistic climate strategy.
Date: Wednesday 8 November Time: 1:00 – 1:45 (GMT) Duration: 45 minutes

Businesses in high-carbon sectors still expect to rely on fossil fuels after 2050
Earlier this year, 250 business leaders from eight high-carbon, hard-to-abate sectors were polled for the We Mean Business Coalition’s Corporate Climate Stocktake, supported by the Climate Champions Team and Bain & Company.
The results haver been published today (31 October) and paint a picture of progress and pain points relating to the low-carbon transition in power, road transport, concrete and cement, steel, shipping, agriculture, aviation and hydrogen.
Across all sectors, three in ten of the business leaders surveyed said they do not expect their organisation to end fossil fuel use entirely before 2050, despite the majority of them having set net-zero targets for 2050 or sooner.

Licences offered to dozens of North Sea oil and gas projects
The Authority confirmed today (30 October) that it had received 115 applications for the first tranche of the UK’s 33rd Oil and Gas Licencing Round, the highest number of applications since the Round held in 2016-17.
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak confirmed that this season’s round would go ahead back in July, despite concerns voiced by green groups and the UK Government’s own advisors at the Climate Change Committee (CCC).
The NSTA said the need to bolster energy security has been a key factor in the decisions it has taken about which licences to offer. The licences it is offering, it said in a statement, are in areas which have the potential to go into production more quickly than others.
NSTA chief executive Stuart Payne said: “Ensuring that the UK has broad options for energy security is at the heart of our work and these licences were awarded in the expectation that the licensees will get down to work immediately.

European plastics giants unveil sustainability roadmap with little mention of reduction and reuse
The ‘Plastics Transition’ document from Plastics Europe lays out a “potential pathway” to net-zero by 2050 for the document.
The pathway includes a 28% reduction in lifecycle emissions by 2030, on 2019 levels, building to a 32-40% reduction by 2040. It only anticipates a 55% reduction by 2050. The residual emissions could be addressed, the document states, using a mix of offsetting and onsite carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies.

Sainsbury’s celebrates completion of Scottish onshore wind farm
Sainsbury’s celebrates completion of Scottish onshore wind farm – Supermarket Sainsbury’s has announced the completion of a new onshore wind farm in Scotland which will be able to meet up to one-third of its annual electricity needs.

From nuclear to heat pumps: What’s included in the UK’s new Energy Act?
Following on from the British Energy Security Strategy in April 2022, which significantly increased targets for deploying offshore wind, blue and green hydrogen and nuclear, then Energy Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng introduced a new Energy Security Bill designed to enact many of the changes necessary to deliver the Strategy.
Following the resignations of Boris Johnson and Liz Truss as Prime Minister, the Bill was hauled in for review and an updated version – simply called the Energy Bill or Energy Act – was set out in December 2022.
The following months have included much back-and-forth between Lords and MPs about whether parts of the Act could be strengthened. Debates have included whether the UK should have an outright ban on new coal mines and whether the North Sea oil and gas sector should be mandated to reduce gas flaring more rapidly.