England: New residential high-rise development plans required to incorporate fire safety considerations as Planning Gateway One comes into force

WOBO thanks SHP for the update on high-rise residential planning submissions within England.


From 1 August, new planning requirements (Planning Gateway One) came into force on developments involving high-rise residential buildings, with fire safety issues needing to be incorporated into schemes before planning permission is granted.

Planning Gateway One has been introduced as a result of the government commissioned independent review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety, led by Dame Judith Hackitt, following the Grenfell Tower fire. The report highlighted the need to transform the fire and building safety regime and recommended that “some minimum requirements around fire safety will need to be addressed when local planning authorities are determining planning applications and will require input from those with the relevant expertise.”

The new planning requirements will mean thinking on fire safety issues, such as access for fire engines and water supply levels, will need to be incorporated into schemes before planning permission is granted. Relevant buildings include ones that contain two or more dwellings or educational accommodation and meet the height condition of 18m in height, or seven or more storeys.

The Government has published new planning guidance and fire statement forms (links below) that professionals will need to use from 1 August for Planning Gateway One.

Planning Gateway One has two key elements:

  1. To require the developer to submit a fire statement setting out fire safety considerations specific to the development with a relevant application for planning permission for development which involves one or more relevant buildings
  2. To establish the Health and Safety Executive as a statutory consultee for relevant planning applications.

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