England: PPE at work regulations updated

WOBO thanks the Safety and Health Practitioner for the reminder of protection to our members and their organisations.

PPE at work regulations updated

From 6 April 2022 the regulations on wearing PPE at work have changed. Here, we explain what’s changing for who, why and how to remain compliant. 

The updated Regulations apply to all employers in Great Britain in a wide range of sectors and industries. 

Workers are required to use the PPE properly following training and instruction from their employer. 

What do PPE regulation changes mean?

UK health and safety legislation does not currently have a definition of worker. Worker is defined in section 230(3) of the Employment Rights Act 1996. The definition has two ‘limbs’: limb (a) and limb (b).  

This Statutory Instrument creates its own definition of worker intended to capture both of these groups.  Read more….

PPE at work regulations updated

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