Elmhurst Energy has issued a reminder that the MHCLG has developed a new Energy Performance of Buildings Central Register which is due to be launched on Sunday 20th September 2020.
This register will consolidate the four existing registers into one, and will cover all energy assessment strands in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

MHCLG is encouraging users to use a ‘web link’ (a URL) which can be passed to customers/clients in order to connect them directly to the new register to obtain their energy certificates and further information. The user experience will be similar to other “.gov” websites (e.g. MOTs, Tax returns) with a hope that customers/clients become engaged and can continue on their journey to improve the energy efficiency of their home/business on a trusted Government website.
The Government is also changing the design and content of Energy Certificates to ensure that the most relevant information is available and easy to follow.