WOBO thanks the European Commission for the funding opportunities and links provided.

New tender to support citizen-led renovation projects
The Commission is launching a new opportunity to support the development of citizen-led renovations (CLR) on the ground. The CLR concept aims to empower communities and to put citizens in the driver’s seat for energy renovations. This tender aims to recruit a contractor and some enabling structures (at least 10) to develop support services in their local constituencies for the creation of citizen-led renovation collectives and provide assistance for the concrete implementation of their energy renovation projects. Check out this tender for EUR 7.5 million contract service over 4 years and apply before 4 September! read more.
Sign up as an Expert to evaluate LIFE Clean Energy Transition proposals
The European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) is currently inviting experts from the fields of energy efficiency and renewable energy to register to the European Commission expert’s database to evaluate proposals from the LIFE Clean Energy Transition sub-programme. Register

18 cleantech projects to receive EUR 173 million in EU funding
The Innovation Fund, financed through the EU Emissions Trading System, will support 15 projects selected under the third small-scale call and 3 projects selected under the third large-scale call for proposals. These projects have a great potential to contribute to Europe’s decarbonisation and clean energy transition. read more

EUR 27.5 million supporting 7 solar power plants in Finland with the EU Renewable Energy Financing Mechanism
Following the first tender of the EU renewable energy financing mechanism (RENEWFM), seven projects have signed the grant agreement with CINEA, which is the first step in order to kick off their implementation. The projects will contribute to the achievement of the national targets for renewables in Finland and Luxembourg. read more
New Results Pack on an inclusive energy transition
15 EU-funded projects put citizens at the centre of the energy transition, by helping to alleviate energy poverty through tailored energy efficiency measures and enabling the uptake of renewable energy solutions, and by facilitating collective actions in the field of sustainable energy, such as energy communities. read more

New Result Pack on better energy policy design – modelling and behavioural science for energy efficiency
Reducing energy consumption and achieving energy savings is essential to deliver the European Green Deal. The eight EU-funded projects presented in this CORDIS Results Pack highlight bottom-up research on energy behaviour and modelling and supporting the design and implementation of better energy policies. read more

Over EUR 230 million available under the Adaptation to Climate Change and Restore our oceans and water calls
Do you have a project to implement the actions to support the goals of the Horizon Europe’s Mission Climate and Mission Ocean and support communities of actors for the Mission Ocean? Remember to apply by 18 September 2024. – read more

EUR 163.5 million available to fund green, smart and resilient transport and mobility research projects
Remember to apply by 5 September 2024 for calls covering ‘Cross-sectoral solutions for the climate transition’ and ‘Safe, Resilient Transport and Smart Mobility services for passengers and goods’ – read more