Events for the Diary !

Opportunities to plan for Professional Development.

22nd November 11:00am – 12:00

Closing the performance gap

The performance gap is a well-known issue within the construction and housebuilding sectors but one that will continue to hinder efforts to reach net zero if not addressed. In this session we will look at the ways in which the project team can look to reduce the performance gap in both residential and non-residential buildings.

Our panel of experts will discuss factors that contribute to the performance gap and how this hinders sustainability efforts. We will also look to explore how designers and constructors can overcome these hurdles and the role different parts of the supply chain play in addressing issues around building performance.

Sessions include:

  • Our next giant leap: how business leadership is being redefined in the age of uncertainty – This keynote panel will bring together Anuradha Chugh, CEO of Pukka HerbsHenry Dimbleby, Co-Founder and Director of Leon Restaurants and climate justice activist Mikaela Loach explore how, with the right business leadership, transformative climate action can flourish.
  • Sustainable business models: practical examples and fresh ideas – This session will see Lindsay Hooper, Executive Director at the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, present on how to shift from linear to circular business models and how to embrace a culture of disruptive innovation to accelerate climate action
  • Unscrambling the alphabet soup of ESG reporting – This briefing will break down the ESG reporting frameworks and developments you should be aware of and explore why a single set of ESG reporting standards is now needed.
  • Business and the Global Goals: the reality check – This keynote session will provide a much-needed SDG progress update, outlining the key steps that every business and employee can make to achieve the Global Goals within seven years.
Make sure you secure your place by 2 December to benefit from our early-bird offer!

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