WOBO thanks the Building Science Corporation for the links to their latest article.

BSC Newsletter Issue #149_BSI-142: Foundation Insulation Protection
Where foundation insulation is on the exterior of foundations and touches the ground, it needs to be protected.
Yes, this should be obvious, but it is often overlooked. One of the most overlooked issues is protecting insulation from bugs and critters – this is not just a “moisture” issue. Insulation works extremely well on the outside of slab and basement and crawl space foundations. We have known this for a very long time. What we have also known for a long time is that we don’t want the insulation to become an insect “interstate” and a home for critters.
I am not going to get into an argument about what insulation system works best. I have enough grief with the carbon parts in my car. For the sake of argument I am going to say that they all work. They don’t all work the same way, but they can be all made to work. Here is my partial list…note the word “partial”….extruded polystyrene, expanded polystyrene, mineral wool, rigid fiberglass, spray polyurethane foam, polyisocyanurate, wood fiber. We done with that? Let’s move on. They all have to be protected. All of them.
Read the entire article at buildingscience.com.