Germany: Major electricity sector revamp, significantly boosting renewables goals

WOBO thanks “edie” for the update on energy capture in Germany.

Germany unveils major electricity sector revamp, significantly boosting renewables goals

The German government has presented a comprehensive revamp of the country’s electricity sector, outlining new frameworks for renewables, power grids and markets in order to set the country on track to reach climate neutrality.

The ruling three-party coalition has agreed to aim for 80% renewable electricity by 2030, with full carbon neutrality in the power sector expected to be reached by 2035. To achieve this, the government presented a comprehensive package aimed at reinvigorating its faltering renewable power sector.

“The package is an accelerator for the expansion of renewable energies,” said Robert Habeck, vice-chancellor and minister for the economy and climate action. “Within less than a decade, we will almost double the share of renewables in gross energy consumption,” he added.

Wednesday’s ‘Easter package’, as it was dubbed, “has been given double urgency in the face of Russia’s unlawful attack on Ukraine,” Habeck said.

To get there, no less than five laws are being changed, some of which had remained untouched for decades: the renewable energy law (EEG) which kickstarted Germany’s famous Energiewende, the offshore wind law, the Energy Act, the federal law on electricity grids, and the Grid Expansion Acceleration Act.  Read more…

Germany unveils major electricity sector revamp, significantly boosting renewables goals

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