Germany: Preventative Fire Protection

WOBO thanks Andre Gesellchen of FeuerTrutz International for the opportunity to review their current activities and to read their newsletter about preventative fire protection.

Newsletter FeuerTrutz International: News about preventive fire protection from FeuerTrutz

FeuerTrutz International

Just in time for the end of the year, the annual issue of FeuerTrutz international is published today – you can read the emagazine free of charge. The topics range from lightning protection and extinguishing systems for battery fires on ships to a comparison of fire protection planning for high-rise residential buildings in England and Germany.
I hope there are interesting articles for you and look forward to your feedback at or on our social media channels.


André GesellchenAndré Gesellchen

Head of Program Management

Phone: +49(0)221/5497-234
Current issue: FeuerTrutz International 1.2020

Planning and Concepts
Fire Safety Requirements for High-Rise Residential Towers in England and Germany
In Focus
Lightning Protection for physical Structures
Panic and Fire Protection
Technology and Trends
Extinguishing Lithium-ion Battery Fires on Ships






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