WOBO acknowledges that activities are seasonal and additional focus on specific activities is essential.

Power company urges farmers to stay safe this harvest
AS FARMERS start their harvesting, a leading power company has urged them to take care with farm machinery near overhead cables.Agriculture and road haulage accounted for 25% of all contact with overhead cables and poles last year. The call from electricity firm UK Power Networks is backed by Suffolk farmer Andrew Francis, who says, “The most important thing is that everybody that comes to work safely in the morning should go home safely at the end of the day as well. We do work in a high pressurised system at times of the year when there’s a lot on and we’re under weather window pressures.

Employee mental health is top employer concern
RESEARCH RELEASED by Towergate Health & Protection shows that the majority of employers, 57%, stated that mental health is their greatest concern regarding their employees in light of hybrid working.

NOISE INDUCED hearing loss is permanent, but it can be prevented. Stuart Marshall provides advice on how to ensure your hearing protection is sound.

Fire Safety Live, co-located with Safety, Health and Wellbeing Live, is proud to have the support of the IOSH Fire Risk Management Group. The group is growing in strength and has a stronger voice than ever in the wider fire safety community.
“The IOSH Fire Risk Management Group are pleased to support Fire Safety Live in Farnborough this year. We will be there to support all health and safety professionals working in, or those who have an interest in fire safety, fire risk management and fire prevention so we can raise the importance of fire and fire safety. Please join us to discuss the latest in fire safety and fire safety developments, connect with the members of our committee and help us spread the word on fire safety.” –