April 1981

In April 1981, a conference was held in the City of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. This conference included delegates from Australia and the Unites States of America. A motion was passed that the delegates work toward the development of a world body of building officials.

Together with growing support from other countries, activity proceeded with the planning of a general meeting of a world representation of building officials.

June 1984

The general meeting was planned to be part of the first International Building Officials World Conference. This conference was held in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada June 3-8, 1984.

At this meeting, a motion was passed to form an international body of building officials. This body was to be called the World Organization of Building Officials. (WOBO) and it was to be associated with the United Nations.

The founding of WOBO was voted on and approved by representatives from the following countries: Australia, Botswana, Canada, Hong Kong, India, Kenya, Malaysia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, and United States of America.

A representative of the United Nations was also present.

Letters of support were received from 40 other countries.

Omkar Nath Channan was passionate about establishing a world-wide organization that would leave legacy through the pursuit of its purpose, facilitate cooperation and coordination among member nations and promote global initiatives to the benefit of humanity.

 He made a submission to the United Nations Non-Governmental Organizations on 24th February, 1987, and at its recommendation the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, at its full regular session on 19th May, 1987, granted Category II Consultative Status (now known as Special Consultative Status) to the World Organization of Building Officials.

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