Hong Kong Construction: Guidelines and Practice Notes

WOBO thanks Vice President Ramond Chan for the link to practices within Hong Kong.

The Nature Conservancy in Hong KongThe following provides a sample of some of  the guidelines/standards /practice notes adopted in the Hong Kong Construction industry and are shared below for member’s reference:

Preventive Measures for Spread of Covid-19 in Construction Sites

In Hong Kong, the Food and Health Bureau (FHB) announced that starting on 24 May 2021, construction site personnel including registered construction workers and other resident site personnel are required to undergo testing within 14 days before entering construction site for work.

  • Subject personnel need not to undergo testing after 14 days of having received two doses of vaccine.
  • Subject personnel are required to present medical certificate or vaccination record to staff of the community testing centers for free testing service; otherwise, pay for the testing service.




Water Test to Windows

One of the practice notes (PNAP APP-116) issued by Buildings Department specifies the requirements on the design and installation of aluminum windows to ensure public safety and to prevent water seepage.  Field water penetration test is suggested to be performed on the installed aluminum windows to ensure water tightness and quality of the completed window units.  Some international standard testing methods are provided in Annex A of the Code of Practice for Structural Use of Glass 2018.



Design & Construction of Cantilevered Structure

Another Practice Notes (PNAP APP-68) stipulates the safe design and construction of cantilevered reinforced concrete structures.

On the other hand, maintenance and repair play an important role to the cantilevered structures since the structural integrity of cantilevered structures may be impaired rapidly. Upon the completion of the construction of a cantilevered structure, the AP should coordinate with the RSE and RGBC to prepare documentation on the inspection and maintenance of the cantilevered slab structure for regular maintenance and repair to be arranged by the Incorporated Owners/management company.



Precautionary Measures during Typhoon

Precautionary measures may render public and building safe during rainy and typhoon seasons:

  • Inspect roof, podium, flat roof and basement to ensure surface water drains and rainwater manholes are in good working order without blockage;
  • Inspect all installations at the building exteriors (e.g. scaffolding, signboard, etc.) and arrange with the owner/occupant to ensure such are in safe conditions;
  • Provide suitable pumping equipment at areas of flooding risk (e.g. electrical and mechanical plant rooms, etc.); etc.



Mosquito in Construction Sites

Under section 27 of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Chapter 132, Laws of Hong Kong), the person responsible for construction site is required to avoid accumulation of stagnant water in the premises.

Contractors are advised to heed the following measures against mosquito breeding:

  • Appoint professional pest control contractors to carry out anti-mosquito measures wherever necessary;
  • Designate staff to conduct weekly inspection to the construction site to ensure the mosquito preventive measures are properly implemented;
  • Tidy up the construction site regularly (at lease once a week), and check for any accumulation of stagnant water; etc.





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