The HSE Construction eBulletin: October 2020 provides an update in respect of construction fire safety and provides a direct link to the advertisment for the role of the Chief Inspector of Buildings to lead the new Building Safety Regulator (closes 6 November).

The Construction Industry Advisory Committee (CONIAC) Managing Risk Well Working Group on fire has produced the Construction fire safety: Responsibility and competence matrix for fire safety in construction.
Hosted by the Construction Health & Safety Group (CHSG), the purpose of the matrix is to identify and outline the roles and the responsibilities of those involved in fire safety and prevention on construction projects.
The document sets out the minimum knowledge needed for each role and has been produced to support the construction industry in defining the skills, knowledge, training and experience needed by each of the duty holders’ roles.
Further information about CONIAC/CONIAN and its Working Groups is available from the CONIAN web community.