WOBO reminds professionals to keep in touch with developments linked to Health and Safety.

CDM Case Studies for Small Builders and Contractors
Construction Leadership Council (CLC) has launched the CDM Case Studies for Small Builders and Contractors for small construction businesses and trades working in the domestic sector.
Research shows that knowledge, application and understanding of the CDM 2015 Regulations varies across the sector, especially amongst smaller businesses.
In response to this, as part of CLC’s Health, Safety and Wellbeing workstream, the Construction Industry Advisory Committee’s (CONIAC) Supporting Small Employers working group has developed this new guide. It shows how CDM is applied in practice to three standard small building projects.
View or download CDM Case Studies for Small Builders and Contractors
HSE releases annual health and safety statistics 2021/22
November saw the publication of the latest annual health and safety statistics for Great Britain.
The annual report by HSE found that 1.8 million working people are suffering from work-related ill health and that 123 workers were killed at work across all industries in this time period.
HSE’s statistics website provides detailed commentary on these figures and is supported by:
- A comprehensive set of tables, designed to make the data accessible to users
- Our annual infographic-style summary booklet (PDF)
- Industry specific breakdowns including construction industry statistics (PDF)
For more information read our press release, including comments from HSE Chief Executive, Sarah Albon.
BEIS awards funding for a ground-breaking project using innovative technologies
Technology is changing rapidly and must be embraced to keep the modern workplace a safer and healthier place for all. Industrial Safetytech (IS) is the term for innovative technologies, products and services that are redefining approaches to health and safety management.
Discovering Safety has been awarded Government funding that will generate practical, evidence-based assessments of IS against regulatory frameworks in construction. We will be working in partnership with Safetytech Accelerator Ltd, a technology accelerator focused on safety and risk in industrial sectors and critical infrastructure.
This new project ‘Enabling Innovation in Industrial SafetyTECH’ seeks to generate and harness new thinking, methods and technological approaches to improve regulatory delivery and performance. This, in turn, will enable innovative new products and services to come to market for the benefit of all.
We’ll be sharing the project outcomes on LinkedIn and on our website including a technology showcase event, sharing learnings and stimulating innovation. There will also be a report on UK opportunities in IS, outlining regulatory considerations and making recommendations for construction.
This project has been made possible by a grant from the £12 million Regulators’ Pioneer Fund launched by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). We’re so proud to have been successful in our submission to this fund which enables UK regulators and local authorities to help create a UK regulatory environment that encourages business innovation and investment.
Read more in our Discovering Safety Newsletter Article
Plumbing and heating engineer is jailed for illegal gas work
An engineer has been sentenced to 20 weeks in prison as he was not competent to carry out gas work and was not on the Gas Safe Register at the time he carried out this work.
The engineer was contracted to install a new gas central heating boiler but a few days after installation the customer experienced problems with the boiler. On inspection by an engineer on the Gas Safe Register, the installation did not meet current standards.
The engineer had previously been prosecuted by HSE in 2016 where he was found guilty of carrying out unregistered gas work.
Read this press release for more details on this incident.
Visit our website for further information on gas health and safety. You can also find out more about the Gas Safe Register.
Other recent prosecution cases include: