WOBO recognises that Codes and Guides can often be perceived as complex and complicated and welcomes the approach taken by ICC in this series.

2021 Code Essentials Series
IBC and IFC editions now available! This straightforward, focused approach explores code requirements using non-code language.
This helpful approach allows readers to gain confidence in their understanding of how to apply the code to the most common practices. Each book is an ideal companion to the 2021 I-Codes for both new and experienced code users. Available in print, PDF download, or new eBook format.
- User-friendly explanations of the code fundamentals needed to understand correct code application
- Detailed full-color illustrations and examples to enhance comprehension
- References to corresponding I-Code sections
- A glossary of code and construction terms that clarifies their meaning in the context of the code
Available now:
- JUST ARRIVED! Building Code Essentials: Based on the 2021 IBC
- JUST ARRIVED! Fire Code Essentials: Based on the 2021 IFC
- Residential Code Essentials: Based on the 2021 IRC
- Energy Code Essentials: Based on the 2021 IECC
- Existing Building Code Essentials: Based on the 2021 IEBC
- Plumbing Code Essentials: Based on the 2021 IPC