WOBO thanks ICC and the Building Safety Journal for their development updates.

The International Code Council and ASHRAE – Call for new committee members open through September 26, 2022
Washington, D.C. – The International Code Council and ASHRAE announced joint development of a standard to assess carbon emissions across the entire building life cycle.
Proposed ASHRAE/ICC Standard 240P – Evaluating Greenhouse Gas (GHG) and Carbon Emissions in Building Design, Construction and Operation, will provide a whole life carbon approach to support emissions reductions in buildings. The proposed standard establishes how to measure and verify the greenhouse gas (GHG) and carbon emissions of a building, or group of buildings, over the entire life cycle. The goal is to provide consistent procedures and data to be referenced by policies, codes, and other standards that address new and existing building performance.
“There is growing demand around the world for consistent building decarbonization guidance that acknowledges the impact of carbon emissions transpired at the beginning of the construction phase to demolition, and accounts for the changes in building operation and performance over time,” said 2022-23 ASHRAE President Farooq Mehboob, Fellow Life Member. “This proposed standard will offer a comprehensive structure for evaluating energy use and supporting greenhouse gas emission reductions, as well as serve as a keystone towards harmonizing guidance within the global marketplace. We appreciate the Code Council’s partnership on this important standard.”